📢 Our official project website is LIVE and ready for exploration! 🚀

🌟Dive into the world of UglyFruitsNOT and discover our mission, objectives, partners, and more. Whether you’re seeking project updates or resources on sustainability, our website has you covered. Visit now and join us on this journey towards a greener, more sustainable future! 🌱💻 #UglyFruitsNOT #ProjectWebsite #Sustainability 🍏🌍

Find the website here: https://uglyfruitsnot-erasmusproject.upwr.edu.pl/en

🎄✨ Merry Christmas from the UglyFruitsNOT Project Team! 🎅

🎁 Wishing you all a joyous holiday season filled with love, laughter, and moments of togetherness. May your hearts be light, your spirits bright, and your plates full of delicious, sustainable goodies! 🍎🥦 Cheers to spreading goodwill and making a positive impact in the world. Happy holidays! 🌟🌟 #MerryChristmas #HappyHolidays #UglyFruitsNOT 🎉🎄

📰🌟 Hot Off the Press: Our Second Newsletter Has Arrived! 🚀

✨ Dive into the latest edition for exclusive updates, insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our UglyFruitsNOT project journey. Whether you’re passionate about sustainability or eager for project news, there’s something for everyone! Don’t miss out—read it now and stay in the loop! 📧🍎 #Newsletter #ProjectUpdates #Sustainability 🌱📰

🌟 Finding the Perfect Balance: Why In-Person and Online Meetings Matter! 💻🤝

In our UglyFruitsNOT project, we believe in the power of connection—both face-to-face and virtually. Here’s why striking the right balance between in-person and online meetings, with regular „jour fixe,“ is essential:

  1. Building Relationships: Nothing beats the personal touch of meeting in person. Face-to-face interactions allow us to forge stronger bonds, foster trust, and build camaraderie with our partners. These connections serve as the foundation for effective collaboration and teamwork.
  2. Facilitating Collaboration: In-person meetings provide the ideal setting for brainstorming sessions, workshops, and group discussions. Being in the same physical space enables us to exchange ideas, solve problems, and make decisions more efficiently, driving progress and innovation.
  3. Maximizing Reach: On the flip side, online meetings offer flexibility and accessibility. They allow us to connect with partners from around the world, regardless of geographical barriers or time zones. By embracing digital platforms, we can ensure that everyone has a seat at the table and maximize participation.
  4. Ensuring Consistency: Regular „jour fixe“ meetings, whether in person or online, create a cadence of communication and accountability. They provide a dedicated time for all partners to come together, review progress, address challenges, and set priorities, keeping the project on track and aligned with our goals.

By combining the strengths of in-person and online meetings, with regular „jour fixe,“ we can create a dynamic and inclusive collaboration environment that drives success. Together, let’s harness the power of connection to make a real difference in our project and beyond! 🌍🚀 #Collaboration #Innovation #UglyFruitsNOT